      recid = {319786},
      author = {Berutti, Emilian Lorenzo and Wennmann, Achim},
      title = {Urban political settlements a new lens for peacemaking in  cities},
      address = {2024},
      number = {ARTICLE},
      abstract = {This article presents the conceptual lens of the urban  political settlement. We argue that ordering actors in  cities and towns in contexts marked by conflict, violence,  and fragile institutions can form urban political  settlements independently from those actors at the national  level, providing trajectories for stabilising cities. We  discuss the shortcomings of the literature on political  settlement analysis and its recent efforts to subsume  political settlements at the city level to those at the  national level. In response, we present the lens of the  urban political settlement through its various components.  First, we highlight the actors involved, and why they are  required to have capacities to engage in order-making  processes. Second, we advance the discussion by presenting  the control spheres of cities under conditions of conflict,  violence, and institutional fragility – territory,  population, and the economy – and the control capacities of  ordering actors – violence, financial, and institutional.  Third, based on the presentation of the heuristic lens of  the urban political settlement, we present a research  agenda able to respond to contemporary pressures that  cities are exposed to.},
      url = {http://repository.graduateinstitute.ch/record/319786},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.1080/14678802.2024.2437654},