      recid = {319177},
      author = {Franz, Christian and Holzscheiter, Anna and Kickbusch,  Ilona},
      title = {Germany's role in global health at a critical juncture},
      address = {2024},
      number = {ARTICLE},
      abstract = {In 2017, we set out—along with a larger group of  authors—to assess Germany's contribution and potential  leadership role in global health. We considered the  ambitions and manifold efforts of Chancellor Angela  Merkel's administration to become a trusted leader in  global health governance and a reliable supporter of  multilateral institutions, especially WHO. Based on the  recommendations of our 2017 paper, in this Review we  determine whether the country has indeed lived up to its  vision and ambitions expressed in the Global Health  Strategy adopted by the cabinet in 2020. Also, we outline  what challenges Germany is now facing in a more complex  global health environment and geopolitical situation, where  leadership in the field is being redefined following the  impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and amid broader shifts in  the international order.},
      url = {http://repository.graduateinstitute.ch/record/319177},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(24)00936-X},