AU  - Currat, Dany
CY  - Geneva
DA  - 2023
DA  - 2023
ID  - 302381
L1  - https://repository.graduateinstitute.ch/record/302381/files/491969649_627209731_15982_15928_517392188.pdf
L2  - https://repository.graduateinstitute.ch/record/302381/files/491969649_627209731_15982_15928_517392188.pdf
L4  - https://repository.graduateinstitute.ch/record/302381/files/491969649_627209731_15982_15928_517392188.pdf
LK  - https://repository.graduateinstitute.ch/record/302381/files/491969649_627209731_15982_15928_517392188.pdf
PB  - Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies
PP  - Geneva
PY  - 2023
PY  - 2023
T1  - The emergence of pro-environmental discourses in the European far-right: party strategy and the case of the Rassemblement National
TI  - The emergence of pro-environmental discourses in the European far-right: party strategy and the case of the Rassemblement National
UR  - https://repository.graduateinstitute.ch/record/302381/files/491969649_627209731_15982_15928_517392188.pdf
Y1  - 2023
ER  -