      recid = {301876},
      author = {Quíroga-Víllamarín, Daníel Rícardo},
      title = {Endroits of planetary ordering violence, law, space, &  capital in the diplomatic history of 19th century Europe},
      address = {2023},
      number = {ARTICLE},
      abstract = {If Derrida once praised English for the richness of the  expression “to enforce the law,” in this article I return  the favor and embrace the ambiguity of the French word  endroit. While it means nothing more than place, I suggest  one could draw from Benjamin’s work on dwelling to ponder  on the meaning of being within the spaces of 19th century  (counter) revolutionary internationalism. In this vein, I  read Benjamin’s unfinished Arcades Project—and, in  particular, its analysis of the rise of iron & glass  architecture that accompanied the conquering bourgeois and  the persistent aristocracy—to analyze the new built  environments of the fin de siècle North Atlantic diplomacy.  Despite the growing interest in the history of global  governance, for historians and critical legal scholars  alike, the spatial dimension of “the international” have  been a largely unexplored affair. Conversely, I suggest  Benjamin’s insistence on the materiality of architecture  reminds us that international law’s castles were not built  solely in the air. In this vein, I suggest one can trace a  material history of the spaces in which revolutionary and  counterrevolutionary internationalisms struggled to fashion  a shell for themselves during Europe’s turbulent 19th  century.},
      url = {http://repository.graduateinstitute.ch/record/301876},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.1017/glj.2023.82},