      recid = {301656},
      author = {Desai, Deval and Lutringer, Christine and Monti, Luciano},
      title = {Call for risk assessment of unspent public funds},
      publisher = {Luiss School of Government - Policy Observatory},
      address = {[Rome]. 2023},
      number = {BOOK},
      series = {Policy paper ; no. 2/2023},
      pages = {2 pages},
      year = {2023},
      abstract = {The limits to actual spending capacities represents a  matter of critical policy relevance as well as political  importance. It is even more urgent to examine and address  it as governments and other executive bodies have mobilized  massive amounts of funds to respond to multifaceted  economic crises and the still ongoing energy crisis.  Financial indicators are no more recognized as the most  appropriate way to evaluate programmers' performance as  proxies for output and outcome indicators. Against this  backdrop, we suggest that an analysis of past expenditure  trends may point to underspending or delays that, in turn,  could represent a "warning bell" of scarce impact and  underperformance both in current and future investments  implemented with similar financial instruments and in the  same area.},
      url = {http://repository.graduateinstitute.ch/record/301656},