AB  - Interwar European majority-minority questions have been predominantly discussed in the context of the East until now. This volume challenges that geographical emphasis by examining both Eastern and Western European experiences. It thus lays the foundation for a new comparative international history of the relations between national majorities and minorities in Europe after the Great War. Building on the assumption that nationalist conflicts are based on the dynamic interaction of multiple actors, this book brings together different perspectives and methodological approaches (political, social and transnational) to provide a comprehensive account of minority questions between the two World Wars. With contributions from leading academics and emerging scholars based in the UK, the USA, Austria, Switzerland, Spain, Ireland, Hungary and Poland, Sovereignty, Nationalism, and the Quest for Homogeneity in Interwar Europe is a wide-ranging study which is firmly anchored in the history of the transition from empires to nation-states as well as in the history of human rights and the nation-state.
CN  - 323.1(4) HEIA 131218
CY  - London
DA  - 2023
DA  - 2023
DO  - 10.5040/9781350263413
DO  - doi
ED  - Dalle Mulle, Emmanuel
ED  - Rodogno, Davide
ED  - Bieling, Mona
ED  - ed.
ED  - ed.
ED  - ed.
ID  - 301488
KW  - Democracy and Sovereignty
KW  - Human Rights
L1  - https://repository.graduateinstitute.ch/record/301488/files/9781350263390_web.pdf
L2  - https://repository.graduateinstitute.ch/record/301488/files/9781350263390_web.pdf
L4  - https://repository.graduateinstitute.ch/record/301488/files/9781350263390_web.pdf
LK  - https://repository.graduateinstitute.ch/record/301488/files/9781350263390_web.pdf
N2  - Interwar European majority-minority questions have been predominantly discussed in the context of the East until now. This volume challenges that geographical emphasis by examining both Eastern and Western European experiences. It thus lays the foundation for a new comparative international history of the relations between national majorities and minorities in Europe after the Great War. Building on the assumption that nationalist conflicts are based on the dynamic interaction of multiple actors, this book brings together different perspectives and methodological approaches (political, social and transnational) to provide a comprehensive account of minority questions between the two World Wars. With contributions from leading academics and emerging scholars based in the UK, the USA, Austria, Switzerland, Spain, Ireland, Hungary and Poland, Sovereignty, Nationalism, and the Quest for Homogeneity in Interwar Europe is a wide-ranging study which is firmly anchored in the history of the transition from empires to nation-states as well as in the history of human rights and the nation-state.
PB  - Bloomsbury Academic
PP  - London
PY  - 2023
PY  - 2023
T1  - Sovereignty, nationalism, and the quest for homogeneity in interwar Europe
TI  - Sovereignty, nationalism, and the quest for homogeneity in interwar Europe
UR  - https://repository.graduateinstitute.ch/record/301488/files/9781350263390_web.pdf
Y1  - 2023
ER  -