      recid = {301424},
      author = {Burci, Gian Luca and Negri, Stefania},
      title = {The International Health Regulations as a WHO  constitutional instrument internal governance and regime  interactions},
      address = {2022},
      number = {ARTICLE},
      abstract = {The International Health Regulations (ihr) have been  severely tested by the covid-19 pandemic. Recent reviews  have identified a number of gaps and challenges and  proposed improvement, but the Regulations should be  analysed in their context as a constitutional instrument  deeply embedded in who’s governance to better understand  their systemic strengths and weaknesses. The ihr embody a  managerial model of health governance that aims at  depoliticizing international response to health emergencies  and coordinating it on the basis of expertise and  persuasion. The political crisis accompanying the covid-19  pandemic, however, reveals the need for a different and  more political approach that injects states in the  governance of the ihr following models tested by other  international agreements. It also highlights the need for a  more effective framework of cooperation and coordination  that builds upon who’s practice of inter-institutional  cooperation but complements it through institutional  consultation structures involving directly states parties.},
      url = {http://repository.graduateinstitute.ch/record/301424},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.1163/15723747-19010001},