      recid = {300215},
      author = {Dalle Mulle, Emmanuel},
      title = {Enlargement from within? Secession and EU Membership},
      address = {2020},
      number = {ARTICLE},
      abstract = {In their recent drives for full self-determination,  separatist actors in Catalonia and Scotland have taken for  granted their regions’ continued membership of the European  Union after independence. Is such an assumption warranted?  This chapter tries to provide an answer by looking at the  arguments put forward by the actors involved and at the  relevant literature, especially the legal arguments on the  status of a territory seceding from an EU member state. It  highlights the highly political nature of this situation  and presents alternative scenarios concerning the two  cases. It concludes that, although final outcomes will  depend on the characteristics of each self-determination  process, it is likely that an interim solution preserving  at least some core substantive elements of the rights and  duties attached to EU membership over the territory of  these two regions is likely to be agreed upon pending the  results of negotiations on a permanent settlement.},
      url = {http://repository.graduateinstitute.ch/record/300215},