      recid = {299481},
      author = {Mohamedou, Mohammad-Mahmoud},
      title = {State-building in the Middle East and North Africa one  hundred years of nationalism, religion and politics},
      publisher = {I.B. Tauris},
      address = {London ; New York ; Oxford. 2022},
      number = {BOOK},
      pages = {xii, 277 pages},
      year = {2022},
      abstract = {Why have state-building projects across the MENA region  proven to be so difficult for so long? Following the end of  the Ottoman Empire in the early 1920s, the countries of the  region began a violent and divisive process of state  formation. But a century later, state-building remains  inconclusive. This book traces the emergence and evolution  of state-building across the MENA region and identifies the  main factors that impeded its success: the slow end of the  Ottoman Empire; the experience of colonialism; and the rise  of nationalistic and religious movements. The authors  reveal the ways in which the post-colonial state proved  itself authoritarian and formed on the model of the  colonial state. They also identify the nationalist and  Islamist movements that competed for political leadership  across the nascent systems, enabling the military to  establish a grip on the security apparatus and national  economies. Finally, in the context of the Arab Spring and  its conflict-filled aftermath, this book shows how external  powers reasserted their interventionism. In outlining the  reasons why regional states remained hollow and devoid of  legitimacy, each of the contributors shows that recent  conflicts and crises are deeply connected to the  foundational period of one century ago.},
      url = {http://repository.graduateinstitute.ch/record/299481},