      recid = {299432},
      title = {Customary international law},
      publisher = {Edward Elgar},
      address = {Cheltenham, UK. 2021},
      series = {International law series},
      pages = {881 pages},
      year = {2021},
      abstract = {"This Research Collection provides a comprehensive  spectrum of articles published in the last seven decades in  the field of customary international law. International  custom "as evidence of a general practice accepted as law",  is considered one of the two main sources of international  law as it primarily derives from the conduct of sovereign  States, but is also closely connected with the role of the  international judge when identifying the applicable  customary rule, a function it shares with the bodies in  charge of its codification (and progressive development),  starting with the International Law Commission. Though  mainly considered to be general international law,  international custom has a complex relationship with many  specific fields of law and specific regions of the world.  Alongside the key articles, this important collection  includes an original introduction by the editor and will be  invaluable to everyone interested in the subject"--},
      url = {http://repository.graduateinstitute.ch/record/299432},