      recid = {298982},
      author = {Nijman, Janne Elisabeth},
      title = {Marked absences locating gender and race in international  legal history},
      address = {2020},
      number = {ARTICLE},
      abstract = {This article was sparked by a critical reading of Henri de  Waele's article 'A New League of Extraordinary Gentlemen?  The Professionalization of International Law Scholarship in  the Netherlands, 1919–1940', and aims to offer an  alternative perspective on this period in the history of  Dutch international legal scholarship. While it appreciates  the author's examination of Dutch international law  scholarship during the interwar period and concurs with the  idea that this scholarship needs to be examined more  closely, it argues that doing history today requires us  first to raise 'the woman question', especially in the  context of the so-called 'professionalization' of  international law in the 1920s and 1930s, and second to  include Dutch colonialism as an important backdrop to the  work of the interwar international law scholars. I will  give some pointers and illustrations to support this  argument. The specific Dutch material brought to bear aims  to show more generally the importance of questioning rather  than reproducing traditional historiography, within which  'the woman question' and 'the colonial question' were left  unmentioned. As such this article also deals with the issue  of expanding and remaking international legal history as an  issue of present and future purport.},
      url = {http://repository.graduateinstitute.ch/record/298982},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.1093/ejil/chaa072},