      recid = {298472},
      author = {Krisch, Nico and Corradini, Francesco and Reimers, Lucy  Lu},
      title = {Order at the margins the legal construction of interface  conflicts over time},
      address = {2020},
      number = {ARTICLE},
      abstract = {Legal multiplicity in the global realm, and the interface  conflicts that ensue from it, are widely thought to have a  destabilising effect, blocking the path towards a more  integrated and perhaps constitutionalised global order.  While this diagnosis may appear plausible if interface  conflicts are seen as snapshots and rivalrous institutions  as the main actors, it is less convincing if we regard  these conflicts as part of social processes of contestation  that define the relations between different norms over  time. It is also less plausible if actors with other  orientations – norm irritation or navigation – are taken  into view. This article works towards a more encompassing  account, both temporally and as regards actor orientations.  It uses two case studies of conflicts at the interface  between economic governance and human rights to probe the  plausibility of its conjectures. Both cases appear as  instances of prolonged norm contestation which, despite  continued irresolution of the underlying conflicts as a  matter of law, have resulted in a significant reorientation  and (partial) consolidation around new interpretations.  This suggests that interface conflicts, rather than  destabilising the rule of law, may also open a pathway for  change in the otherwise rigid structure of the  international legal order.},
      url = {http://repository.graduateinstitute.ch/record/298472},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.1017/S2045381719000327},