      recid = {298446},
      author = {Clapham, Andrew},
      title = {The General Assembly},
      address = {2020},
      abstract = {This chapter examines the General Assembly, which is the  United Nations' main deliberative organ. To the extent that  it reflects the will of the majority of the UN members, it  has some influence on the organization's general direction.  It is the organ generally mandated to discuss and make  recommendations on any question within the scope of the UN  Charter, and it is specifically asked to initiate studies  and make recommendations to promote, among other things,  human rights. However, the General Assembly is an assembly  of state representatives. This political composition can  make it difficult to find agreement on which human rights  deserve promotion, and which states, or rather which  governments, should be singled out for censure.  Nevertheless, the General Assembly has developed the  international law and universal standards which underpin  the world of human rights protection, improved the United  Nation's institutional machinery, and authorized some  important human rights-related field operations and  investigative mandates.},
      url = {http://repository.graduateinstitute.ch/record/298446},