      recid = {298240},
      author = {Aguila, Yann and ViƱuales, Jorge E},
      title = {A Global Pact for the Environment conceptual foundations},
      address = {2019},
      number = {ARTICLE},
      note = {RECIEL Special issue: The Global Pact for the Environment  and gaps in international environmental law},
      abstract = {This article introduces the conceptual foundations of the  initiative towards the adoption of a Global Pact for the  Environment. It first situates the search for a global  framework instrument on environmental protection in a  long-term perspective and then discusses the main reasons  why it is needed. Against this background, the article  presents the current expression of this much broader trend,  in the form of the initiative for a Global Pact for the  Environment and the momentum it has generated in policy  circles, first and foremost at the level of the United  Nations General Assembly.},
      url = {http://repository.graduateinstitute.ch/record/298240},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.1111/reel.12277},