      recid = {297334},
      author = {Shafiq, Aysha},
      title = {Agricultural change and family farming in the Punjab the  Chenab colony, 1892-1936},
      publisher = {Graduate Institute of International and Development  Studies},
      address = {Geneva. 2019},
      number = {BOOK},
      pages = {243 p.},
      year = {2019},
      abstract = {In the highlands of Punjab, the British colonial  government introduced a canal irrigation system that  brought millions of acres under cultivation, accompanied by  colonization schemes that helped install villages populated  by Punjabi agriculturalists. This thesis looks at the case  study of Chenab Colony, the largest and one of the earliest  canal colonies, launched in 1892. Almost eighty per cent of  land in this scheme was granted for peasant family farms.  The biggest agricultural change brought about by the canal  colonization was in terms of connecting landownership with  economic security that prompted a growing trend of tenancy  in the province. In this process, the size of a peasant  farm was correlated with the size of the family. By tracing  the evolution of colonial administrative logic the study  explores how family farms acquired certain significance for  Punjab government’s agricultural policy. Along with the  response of peasant farms to new technology and market,  this research also looks at how they coped with the  conflicts generated by social engineering attempts by the  British. Attempting to sketch the details of the peasant  farms in the Chenab Colony, this thesis is a contribution  towards understanding of social history of Western Punjab  which is now a part of Pakistan. It also looks at the  theoretical debates around family farming with implications  for development policy in agriculture.},
      url = {http://repository.graduateinstitute.ch/record/297334},