Foreword / Gabrielle Marceau
About the book / Gabrielle Marceau and Clément Marquet
Introduction : a meta-question / Georges Abi-Saab
Evolutionary interpretation in international law : some short and less than trail-blazing reflections / Robert Kolb
An interpreter's guide to static and evolutive interpretations : solving intertemporal problems according to the VCIT / Christian Djeffal
Time present and time pas t: the intention of the parties and the evolutionary interpretation of treaties / Eirik Bjorge
Using intertemporal linguistics to resolve the problem at the origin and core of the evolutionary interpretation debate / Julian Wyatt
Evolutionary interpretation : the relevance of context / Donald McRae
Evolutionary interpretation of international law in national courts / Kenneth Keith
The interpretive work of treaty bodies : how they look at evolutionary interpretation, and how other courts look at them / Luigi Crema
Evolutionary interpretation of unilateral acts of states and international organisations / Paolo Palchetti
The strength of evolutionary interpretation in international human rights law / Gloria Gaggioli
The Strasbourg approach to evolutionary interpretation / Oliver Dörr
Environmental protection as an object of and tool for evolutionary interpretation / Nina Mileva and Marina Fortuna
The European Court of Human Rights and the right to a clean environment : evolutionary or illusory interpretation? / Malgosia Fitzmaurice
By men, not gods : the (hidden) evolutionary interpretation of international criminal law in the light of extrinsic sources / Sévane Garibian
Understanding the choice for evolutionary interpretation / Isabelle Van Damme
The illusion of "evolutionary interpretation" in WTO dispute settlement / Graham Cook
Prospective linguistics and trade : the art of the deal / Clément Marquet
The evolutionary treaty interpretation by the WTO Appellate Body / Sondre Torp Helmersen
Is there evolution in the evolutionary interpretation of WTO law? / Peter Van den Bossche
Evolutionary interpretation and the Appellate Body's existential crisis / Mariana Clara de Andrade
Energy trade in the WTO, yesterday, today and tomorrow : the role of evolutionary interpretation / Jenya Grigorova
Evolutionary interpretation in investment arbitration : about a judicial taboo / Makane Moïse Mbengue and Aikaterini Florou
The role of state party pleadings in the evolutionary interpretation of international investment agreements / Kendra Magraw
Investment treaty signatories' joint interpretation and the case of the NAFTA free trade commission : evolutionary interpretation or modification? / Jennifer Radford, Gregory Tereposky and Kun Hui
History as interpretative context in the evolutionary interpretation of FET in international investment law / Charalampos Giannakopoulos and Malvika Monga
Articulating evolutionary interpretation and the rule of law : the EU as a composite legal order based on relative rules of law / Nicolas Levrat
Multilingualism and the dynamic interpretation of European Union law / Mattias Derlén
Conclusion / Kenneth Keith
Afterword / Georges Abi-Saab