Ethnography as risky business: field research in violent and sensitive contexts
Ethnography as risky business: field research in violent and sensitive contexts
Lanham, Maryland, Lexington Books
245 p.
Call Number
301 HEIA 124776
Content Type
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Record ID
Formatted Contents Note
Researching the politics of aid in war-torn societies : the case of Chalatenango, El Salvador / Chris van der Borgh
Dealing with distrust : a diplomat-anthropologist negotiating obstacles in politically sensitive urban fieldwork in Sudan / Ingeborg Denissen
Researching security in Africa as the "Sierra Foxtrot Golf" / Tessa Diphoorn
A wolf in sheep's clothing : negotiating identity in fieldwork among the National Civil Police in Guatemala / Marie Louise Glebbeek
"Doctor, how can we improve our image in Europe?" : researching war and peace in Colombia as an ethnographer-consultant / Kees Koonings
Interviewing revolutionary generations in Latin America : a personal memoir / Dirk Kruijt
"You are not like the Ladinos at all" : reflections on fieldwork, cataloguing the researcher and knowledge production / Elisabet Rasch
Keeping a distance? : dealing with perpetrators of violence in a Guatemalan town / Simone Remijnse
From 'broder' to 'don' : methodological reflections on longitudinal gang research in Nicaragua / Dennis Rodgers
Interpretation of dreams and humor in affective fieldwork on state violence in Argentina / Eva Van Roekel
Swimming with former combatants : ethics and pragmatics of fieldwork in post war zones in Sri Lanka / Ariel Sánchez Meertens
Ethical issues raised by legal anthropological research on local dispute settlement in Ecuador / Marc Simon Thomas
Security at stake : dealing with violence and public (in)security in a popular neighborhood in Guadalajara, Mexico / Monique Sonnevelt
Among comrades : (dis)trust in ethnographic fieldwork with former Salvadoran revolutionaries / Ralph Sprenkels
Embedded ethnography : conflict research through an international peace mission in Colombia / Floortje Toll
Fieldwork frontiers : danger, uncertainty, and limitations during research with former combatants in Mozambique / Nikkie Wiegink
Dealing with distrust : a diplomat-anthropologist negotiating obstacles in politically sensitive urban fieldwork in Sudan / Ingeborg Denissen
Researching security in Africa as the "Sierra Foxtrot Golf" / Tessa Diphoorn
A wolf in sheep's clothing : negotiating identity in fieldwork among the National Civil Police in Guatemala / Marie Louise Glebbeek
"Doctor, how can we improve our image in Europe?" : researching war and peace in Colombia as an ethnographer-consultant / Kees Koonings
Interviewing revolutionary generations in Latin America : a personal memoir / Dirk Kruijt
"You are not like the Ladinos at all" : reflections on fieldwork, cataloguing the researcher and knowledge production / Elisabet Rasch
Keeping a distance? : dealing with perpetrators of violence in a Guatemalan town / Simone Remijnse
From 'broder' to 'don' : methodological reflections on longitudinal gang research in Nicaragua / Dennis Rodgers
Interpretation of dreams and humor in affective fieldwork on state violence in Argentina / Eva Van Roekel
Swimming with former combatants : ethics and pragmatics of fieldwork in post war zones in Sri Lanka / Ariel Sánchez Meertens
Ethical issues raised by legal anthropological research on local dispute settlement in Ecuador / Marc Simon Thomas
Security at stake : dealing with violence and public (in)security in a popular neighborhood in Guadalajara, Mexico / Monique Sonnevelt
Among comrades : (dis)trust in ethnographic fieldwork with former Salvadoran revolutionaries / Ralph Sprenkels
Embedded ethnography : conflict research through an international peace mission in Colombia / Floortje Toll
Fieldwork frontiers : danger, uncertainty, and limitations during research with former combatants in Mozambique / Nikkie Wiegink
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