There are times when you miss a sentence or a paragraph to start or finish a paper, when you find your data description boring, or when you think that your theory is lacking. Even worse, there are times when you cannot prove concavity, your t-stats are lower than what you deserve, and you are just sitting there thinking about why, oh why, we use Y for income. This paper should help.
When you are missing a paragraph: a crowdsourced paper in honor of Charles Wyplosz
[Lieu de publication non identifié], [éditeur non identifié]
23 p.
Content Type
Papers and Reports
Record Created
Record ID
And 36 other authors. Friends of Charles Wyplosz. With contributions from: Claire-Lise Wyplosz, Ivan Adamovich, Mourtaza Asad-Syed, Katrin Assenmacher, Simone Auer, Richard Baldwin, Vit Barta, Alan Blinder, Charlie Bean, Agnès Bénassy Quéré, Olivier Blanchard, Claudio Borio, Michael Burda, Francesca Caselli, Benoît Coeuré, Jean-Pierre Danthine, Xavier Debrun, Alessandro Flamini, Hans Genberg, Francesco Giavazzi, László Halpern, Yi Huang, Keith Krause, Signe Krogstrup, Andréa Maechler, Nikolay Markov, Carlo Monticelli, Dirk Niepelt, Maury Obstfeld, Avinash Persaud, Ugo Panizza, Pierre Pâris, Torsten Persson, Andy Rose, Sergio Sola, Nicolas Stof- fels, Katya Svirydzenka, Alexander Swoboda, Guido Tabellini, Cédric Tille, Pascal Towbin, Lore Vandewalle, Ignazio Visco, Jürgen Von Hagen, Sebastien Waelti, and Sebastian Weber.