      recid = {296726},
      author = {Mallard, Grégoire and McGoey, Linsey},
      title = {Strategic ignorance and global governance an ecumenical  approach to epistemologies of global power},
      address = {2018},
      number = {ARTICLE},
      abstract = {How can we account for the role of ignorance and knowledge  in global governance? It is a contention of earlier  scholarship in international relations and political  sociology that knowledge production is tightly coupled with  rational action – regardless of whether knowledge widely  influences different stakeholders or not. This scholarship  equally tends to assume an ignorance-knowledge binary  relationship that associates ignorance with powerlessness  and knowledge with power. This is a view we dispute.  Calling for a new approach to the study of ignorance and  knowledge in international politics, our article builds on  research from ignorance studies, science and technology  studies and critical race theory to derive a novel typology  of epistemologies of power in which truth and ignorance are  defined and combined in a plurality of ways. Approaching  differing epistemologies of power in the transnational  realm in a general or 'ecumenical' manner, we identify  weaknesses in earlier approaches to the study of knowledge  production in global affairs, and present four new  concepts: 'factual determinism', 'cynical realism',  'unseeing proceduralism' and 'hopeful constructivism'.  Through this framework, our article calls for greater  recognition of the constitutive role that ignorance plays  in operations of power on a global scale.},
      url = {http://repository.graduateinstitute.ch/record/296726},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.1111/1468-4446.12504},