Migration and climate change both constitute global challenges that cannot be resolved unilaterally. Anthropogenic climate change and its adverse impacts on people has become one of the most pressing current challenges on the one hand, while there has been a ‘dramatization’ and extreme politicization of the migration phenomenon on the other. While the topic of forced migration in the context of the adverse impacts of climate change and other environmental factors were limited to the fields of natural and social sciences in the 1980s and 1990s, the nexus has been increasingly addressed by lawyers in the past decades. However, most of the work on the topic has been focused on the applicability of refugee law – or lack thereof – on persons forced to flee due to environmental factors, or on the need to adopt a new status of ‘environmental migrant or refugee’. However more recently, a number of soft law processes and instruments started to address one or several aspects of this multifaceted environmental migration nexus and some authors started to explore with a fresh look the potential of soft law instruments as part of protection strategies of migrants through international law. This dissertation focuses on these emerging soft law processes and instruments. It aims at assessing the role they play with regard to the development of the environmental migration nexus.