      recid = {296610},
      author = {Cyron, Laura and Schwerdt, Guido and Viarengo, Martina},
      title = {The effect of opposite sex siblings on cognitive and  noncognitive skills in early childhood},
      address = {2017},
      number = {ARTICLE},
      abstract = {We investigate the effect of having opposite sex siblings  on cognitive and noncognitive skills of children in the  United States at the onset of formal education. Our  identification strategy rests on the assumption that,  conditional on covariates, the sibling sex composition of  the two firstborn children in a family is arguably  exogenous. With regard to cognitive skills, learning skills  and self-control measured in kindergarten, we find that  boys benefit from having a sister, while there is no effect  for girls. We also find evidence for the effect fading out  as early as first grade.},
      url = {http://repository.graduateinstitute.ch/record/296610},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.1080/13504851.2017.1279263},