      recid = {295991},
      author = {Krech, RĂ¼diger and Kickbusch, Ilona and Franz, Christian  and Wells, Nadya},
      title = {Banking for health the role of financial sector actors in  investing in global health},
      address = {2018},
      number = {ARTICLE},
      abstract = {The world faces multiple health financing challenges as  the global health burden evolves. Countries have set an  ambitious health policy agenda for the next 15 years with  prioritisation of universal health coverage under the  Sustainable Development Goals. The scale of investment  needed for equitable access to health services means global  health is one of the key economic opportunities for decades  to come. New financing partnerships with the private sector  are vital. The aim of this study is to unlock additional  financing sources, acknowledging the imperative to link  financial returns to the providers of capital, and create  profitable, sustainable financing structures. This paper  outlines the global health investment opportunity exploring  intersections of financial and health sector interests, and  the role investment in health can play in economic  development. Considering increasing demand for impact  investments, the paper explores responsible financing  initiatives and expansion of the global movement for  sustainable capital markets. Adding an explicit health  component (H) to the Environmental, Social and Governance  (ESG) investment criteria, creating the ESG+H initiative,  could serve as catalyst for the inclusion of health  criteria into mainstream financial actors' business  practices and investment objectives. The conclusion finds  that health considerations directly impact profitability of  the firm and therefore should be incorporated into  financial analysis. Positive assessment of health impact,  at a broad societal or environmental level, as well as for  a firm's employees can become a value enhancing competitive  advantage. An ESG+H framework could incorporate this into  mainstream financial decision-making and into scalable  investment products.},
      url = {http://repository.graduateinstitute.ch/record/295991},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.1136/ bmjgh-2017-000597},