      recid = {295954},
      author = {Quispe, Isai},
      title = {Fiscal shocks and international production networks an  empirical investigation},
      publisher = {Graduate Institute of International and Development  Studies, International Economics Department},
      address = {Geneva. 2017},
      number = {BOOK},
      series = {Graduate Institute of International and Development  Studies Working Paper ; no. 20/2017},
      pages = {32 p. : ill.},
      year = {2017},
      abstract = {Recently, a large literature has been developed from the  production network models, to be applied in a diversity of  fields as financial contagion, trade comovements or the  aggregation of micro shocks. Thus, one theoretical  implication introduced by Acemoglu et al. (2015), argue  that demand-side shocks (i.e. government spending) spread  through the production networks following upstream  propagation with greater intensity downstream. This paper  empirically evaluates the international transmission of  government purchase shocks through a production network.  Using industry-level data about international input-output  linkages, I extend the empirical approach in Acemoglu et  al. (2015) to examine employment responses to government  purchases. I find that fiscal shocks have a significant and  positive impact on the employment, through the  international production network.},
      url = {http://repository.graduateinstitute.ch/record/295954},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.71609/iheid-9zve-0336},