      recid = {295781},
      author = {Ribi Forclaz, Amalia},
      title = {Shaping the future of farming the International Labour  Organization and agricultural education, 1920s to 1950s},
      address = {2017},
      number = {ARTICLE},
      abstract = {In the interwar years agricultural education emerged as a  pivotal issue in international debates about agricultural  modernization and rural development. Against the backdrop  of scientific and technological changes, reformers and  experts viewed the professionalization of people working in  agriculture as necessary for securing a viable rural  economy whilst preserving its agricultural identity.  International organizations and associations debated about  practical versus theory-based education, the ruralization  of the curriculum and the amount of knowledge that would be  needed to create the modern farmer. As this article argues,  the interwar international call for more widespread and  systematic agricultural education catered for a variety of  political, economic and social concerns. The article  discusses international efforts to promote better  agricultural education in the 1920s, the emergence of new  organizations in the 1930s and how these efforts  foreshadowed the rural development strategies of  development agencies such as the Food and Agriculture  Organization after the Second World War.},
      url = {http://repository.graduateinstitute.ch/record/295781},