      recid = {294972},
      author = {Rahimov, Vugar and Jafarova, Nigar and Ganbarov, Fuad},
      title = {The exchange rate pass-through to CPI and its components  in oil-exporting CIS countries},
      publisher = {The Graduate Institute of International and Development  Studies, International Economics Department},
      address = {Geneva. 2017},
      number = {BOOK},
      series = {Graduate Institute of International and Development  Studies Working Paper ; no. 06/2017},
      pages = {50 p. : ill.},
      year = {2017},
      abstract = {In this study, we explore the pass-through of exchange  rate fluctuations to domestic CPI and its components for  Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Russia. Using the data of  2003:Q1- 2016:Q2, we estimate a VAR model and find  significant but incomplete pass-through in all sample  countries. The accumulated pass-through to aggregate CPI  within one year is 28 percent for both Azerbaijan and  Kazakhstan; however the equivalent figure for Russia is 32  percent. According to our empirical findings the largest  pass-through (ERPT) is observed in the non-food CPI in  Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan, whereas in Russia the food  prices demonstrate the greatest ERPT. Since the ERPT is an  essential ingredient of price developments in sample  countries, it should be assessed precisely and taken into  account in monetary policy decisions and inflation  forecasting.},
      url = {http://repository.graduateinstitute.ch/record/294972},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.71609/iheid-as7x-cf11},