

Global Value Chains (GVCs) can provide new means for developing economies to industrialise. To fully seize these opportunities, it is necessary to comprehensively measure both the intensity and type of countries' GVC integration patterns to better understand the relationship between GVCs and development. In this paper, we apply the new R package decompr to recent OECD input-output data with extended country coverage to analyse the integration patterns of developing economies in a more detailed way. We provide evidence that trends in GVCs are increasingly driven by developing countries. In addition, we show that while per capita GDP does not predict the intensity of GVC integration well, it determines the type of integration. High-income countries mainly export intermediates into GVCs and serve as markets of final demand. In contrast, developing economies join GVCs mostly in the assembly stage. However, there is evidence that developing countries have begun to shift their participation from the production of final to intermediate goods, moving upstream in GVCs and out of assembly.
