      recid = {293871},
      author = {Machin, Stephen and McNally, Sandra and Viarengo, Martina},
      title = {"Teaching to teach" literacy},
      publisher = {London School of Economics and Political Science, Centre  for Economic Performance},
      address = {London. 2016},
      number = {BOOK},
      series = {CEP discussion paper ; no. 1425},
      pages = {38 p.},
      year = {2016},
      abstract = {Significant numbers of people have very low levels of  literacy in many OECD countries and, because of this, face  significant labour market penalties. Despite this, it  remains unclear what teaching strategies are most useful  for actually rectifying literacy deficiencies. The subject  remains hugely controversial amongst educationalists and  has seldom been studied by economists. Research evidence  from part of Scotland prompted a national change in the  policy guidance given to schools in England in the  mid-2000s about how children are taught to read. We  conceptualise this as a shock to the education production  function that affects the technology of teaching. In  particular, there was phasing in of intensive support to  some schools across Local Authorities: teachers were  trained to use a new phonics approach. We use this  staggered introduction of intensive support to estimate the  effect of the new ‘teaching technology’ on children’s  educational attainment. We find there to be effects of the  teaching technology (‘synthetic phonics’) at age 5 and 7.  However, by the age of 11, other children have caught up  and there are no average effects. There are long-term  effects only for those children with a higher initial  propensity to struggle with reading.},
      url = {http://repository.graduateinstitute.ch/record/293871},