      recid = {293832},
      author = {Neven, Damien and Laprévote, François-Charles and  Winckler, Antoine},
      title = {European champions and merger control rules},
      address = {2014},
      number = {ARTICLE},
      abstract = {This set of two papers is derived from the training  session on “Competition Policy and National Champions”  organized by Concurrences Journal in Brussels the 15th July  2014. In the first paper, Damien Neven (professor of  Economics at the Graduate Institute of Geneva) argues that  a change in EU merger control rules to allow for the  development of European champions would be mistaken, but  that enforcement of the current rules should be improved,  in particular regarding the assessment of efficiencies and  the delineation of the wider public policy considerations  that Member States can appeal to in exercising their own  control. The second contribution by François-Charles  Laprévote and Antoine Winckler, lawyers at Cleary Gottlieb  Steen & Hamilton in Brussels, addresses some legal issues  relating to EU merger control rules that are often raised  in the debate on European champions, including market  definition, Article 21 of the EUMR and the treatment of  efficiencies.},
      url = {http://repository.graduateinstitute.ch/record/293832},