      recid = {287996},
      author = {Delany, Toni and Harris, Patrick and Williams, Carmel and  Harris, Elizabeth and Baum, Fran and Lawless, Angela and  Wildgoose, Deborah and Haigh, Fiona and MacDougall, Colin  and Broderick, Danny and Kickbusch, Ilona},
      title = {Health impact assessment in New South Wales & health  in all policies in South Australia differences,  similarities and connections},
      address = {2014},
      number = {ARTICLE},
      abstract = {Background: Policy decisions made within all sectors have  the potential to influence population health and equity.  Recognition of this provides impetus for the health sector  to engage with other sectors to facilitate the development  of policies that recognise, and aim to improve, population  outcomes. This paper compares the approaches implemented to  facilitate such engagement in two Australian jurisdictions.  These are Health Impact Assessment (HIA) in New South Wales  (NSW) and Health in All Policies (HiAP) in South Australia  (SA). Methods: The comparisons presented in this paper  emerged through collaborative activities between  stakeholders in both jurisdictions, including critical  reflection on HIA and HiAP practice, joint participation in  a workshop, and the preparation of a discussion paper  written to inform a conference plenary session. The plenary  provided an opportunity for the incorporation of additional  insights from policy practitioners and academics. Results:  Comparison of the approaches indicates that their overall  intent is similar. Differences exist, however, in the  underpinning principles, technical processes and tactical  strategies applied. These differences appear to stem mainly  from the organisational positioning of the work in each  state and the extent to which each approach is linked to  government systems. Conclusions: The alignment of the HiAP  approach with the systems of the SA Government increases  the likelihood of influence within the policy cycle.  However, the political priorities and sensitivities of the  SA Government limit the scope of HiAP work. The  implementation of the HIA approach from outside government  in NSW means greater freedom to collaborate with a range of  partners and to assess policy issues in any area,  regardless of government priorities. However, the  comparative distance of HIA from NSW Government systems may  reduce the potential for impact on government policy. The  diversity in the technical and tactical strategies that are  applied within each approach provides insight into how the  approaches have been tailored to suit the particular  contexts in which they have been implemented.},
      url = {http://repository.graduateinstitute.ch/record/287996},