CN  - 347.73 HEIA 100573
CY  - Oxford
DA  - 2014
DA  - 2014
ED  - Douglas, Zachary
ED  - Pauwelyn, Joost
ED  - ViƱuales, Jorge E
ED  - ed.
ED  - ed.
ED  - ed.
ID  - 285698
LK  - http://site.ebrary.com/lib/graduateinstitute/Doc?id=10867981
PB  - Oxford University Press
PP  - Oxford
PY  - 2014
PY  - 2014
T1  - The foundations of international investment lawbringing theory into practice
TI  - The foundations of international investment lawbringing theory into practice
UR  - http://site.ebrary.com/lib/graduateinstitute/Doc?id=10867981
Y1  - 2014
ER  -