The principle of common but differentiated responsibilities - PCBDR - is one of the pillars of the climate change regime and finds its full expression under this specific regime
The thesis proposed in this study is that although the PCBDR aims to reduce inequalities among States and encourage wider participation in fostering implementation of the climate change regime, there are internal deficiencies and distorsions in the legal and other normative instruments under such a regime that may impose certain constraints on the full achievement of these aims
The premises upon which this thesis has been built is that this regime lacks an objective criterion (objective basis) for differentiating responsibilities, and contains distorsions related to the regulatory framework for technology transfer, the Kyoto mechanisms, and the financial mechanisms - the main means by which the commitments are differentiated - that pose some constraints to the achievement of the aims of the PCBDR catpub08
The thesis proposed in this study is that although the PCBDR aims to reduce inequalities among States and encourage wider participation in fostering implementation of the climate change regime, there are internal deficiencies and distorsions in the legal and other normative instruments under such a regime that may impose certain constraints on the full achievement of these aims
The premises upon which this thesis has been built is that this regime lacks an objective criterion (objective basis) for differentiating responsibilities, and contains distorsions related to the regulatory framework for technology transfer, the Kyoto mechanisms, and the financial mechanisms - the main means by which the commitments are differentiated - that pose some constraints to the achievement of the aims of the PCBDR catpub08