      recid = {15368},
      author = {Bhavnani, Ravi and Backer, David},
      title = {Social capital and political violence in sub-Saharan  Africa},
      publisher = {Afrobarometer},
      address = {[Lieu de publication non identifié]. 2007},
      number = {BOOK},
      series = {Afrobarometer working paper ; 90},
      pages = {45 p.},
      year = {2007},
      abstract = {This article uses data from the Afrobarometer—an  individual-level survey that has been conducted in 18  countries across Sub-Saharan Africa—to explore the nature  of social capital and its relationship to political  violence. Building on and extending this prior literature,  we seek to assess whether different aspects of social  capital influence the nature and prevalence of political  violence, and their potential precursors and enabling  conditions, in the African context. Multivariate  estimations, of note, yield two counter-intuitive results:  membership in professional and business associations is  consistently linked with greater levels of political  violence, whereas membership in religious groups seems to  lessen such conflict. The authors find that the lack of  social  capital—or forms of social capital with potential  down sides such as intra-group bonding—can presumably have  negative consequences for development. Section 6, in turn,  concludes with a  discussion of the significance of our  findings, and reflections about future extensions to this  research.},
      url = {http://repository.graduateinstitute.ch/record/15368},