Analyse: This study investigates how coalition structures influence distributive and integrative bargaining processes in multilateral environmental negotiations. The study also examines how processes, once conditioned, may lead to a reconstruction of the structures in order to bring about better processes
Nonstate actor intervention is also analyzed to assess how nongovernmental interests, conference secretariats and chairs may either alter structures or intervene directly in the bargaining process
A systematic analysis of the ozone, climate change, and biological diversity negotiations is conducted, and results indicate that the coalition structures identified tend to condition and determine the expected bargaining orientations. Nonstate intervention across the three case studies is significant, but results do not always point to the expected changes in structure of bargaining orientation
Comparing the three case studies indicates a predominately distributive nature of the process, and that negotiation practitioners need to work to create structures that provide for better integrative tactical opportunities
Nonstate actor intervention is also analyzed to assess how nongovernmental interests, conference secretariats and chairs may either alter structures or intervene directly in the bargaining process
A systematic analysis of the ozone, climate change, and biological diversity negotiations is conducted, and results indicate that the coalition structures identified tend to condition and determine the expected bargaining orientations. Nonstate intervention across the three case studies is significant, but results do not always point to the expected changes in structure of bargaining orientation
Comparing the three case studies indicates a predominately distributive nature of the process, and that negotiation practitioners need to work to create structures that provide for better integrative tactical opportunities