Analyse: The thesis was submitted by Ms. Sheela Thakar Bhide to the Institut de hautes études internationales in 1995. The focus of the research is on the impact of the quotas, imposed under the Multifibre Arrangement and the several Protocols of Extension, on India's exports of textiles and chothing to the USA and EEC over a period of approximately two decades
The research seeks to test the hypothesis that the poor export performance of India's textile industry during this period was due to a lack of international competitiveness rather than due to quantitative restraints imposed under the MFA
The thesis begins with an historical chapter dealing with the condition of the textile industry during the period prior to the signing of the Multifibre Arrangement in 1974, then proceeds to examine India's position on various issues, raised during the MFA negotiations and thereafter examines the impact the MFA had on the country's exports
The latter part of the thesis focusses on the likely scenario of exports in the post - MFA period. The thesis finally ends with a series of recommendations for improving the global competitiveness of India's textile and clothing industry
The research seeks to test the hypothesis that the poor export performance of India's textile industry during this period was due to a lack of international competitiveness rather than due to quantitative restraints imposed under the MFA
The thesis begins with an historical chapter dealing with the condition of the textile industry during the period prior to the signing of the Multifibre Arrangement in 1974, then proceeds to examine India's position on various issues, raised during the MFA negotiations and thereafter examines the impact the MFA had on the country's exports
The latter part of the thesis focusses on the likely scenario of exports in the post - MFA period. The thesis finally ends with a series of recommendations for improving the global competitiveness of India's textile and clothing industry