Foreword Pascal Lamy ; Introduction Richard Baldwin and Patrick Low ; Part I. Background to Regionalism: 1. An historical perspective of regionalism Theresa Carpenter ; 2. The landscape of regional trade arrangements and WTO surveillance Roberto V. Fiorentino, Jo-Ann Crawford and Christelle Toqueboeuf ; Part II. Multilateralisaton - Prospects and Past Experience: 3. Beyond tariffs: multilateralising non-tariff RTA commitments Simon Evenett and Patrick Low ; Comment S. Miroudot ; 4. Multilateralising regionalism: lessons from the EU experience in relaxing rules of origin Michael Gasiorek ; 5. The information technology agreement: sui generis or model stepping stone? Catherine Mann and Xuepeng Liu ; Comment Alejandro Jara ; Part III. Multilateralisation - Sectors and Themes: 6. Services provisions in regional trade agreements: stumbling or building blocks for multilateral liberalization? Carsten Fink and Marion Jansen ; 7. Harmonizing preferential rules of origin regimes around the world Jeremy Harris ; Comment Olivier Cadot ; 8. Legal avenues to 'multilateralising regionalism': beyond article XXIV Joost Pauwelyn ; Part IV. Multilateralization - Regional Perspectives: 9. Multilateralising regionalism: case study of African regionalism Peter Draper and Mzukisi Qobo ; 10. Multilateralising RTAs in the Americas Antoni Estevadeordal, Matthew Shearer and Kati Suominen ; Comment Marcelo Olearraga ; 11. Multilateralising regional trade arrangements in Asia Masahiro Kawai and Ganesh Wignaraja ; Comment I. Cheong ; 12. Fitting Asia-Pacific agreements into the WTO system Gary Hufbauer and Jeffrey Shott ; 13. Multilateralising preferential trade agreements: a developing country perspective Bernard Hoekman and L. Alan Winters ; Comment P. Levy ; 14. The challenge of negotiating RTAs for developing countries. What could the WTO do to help? Jim Rollo ; Comment C. Barfield