Strategies for developing countries in multilateral trade negotiations at the World Trade Organization / Nicolas Lamp
Can international investment agreements be instruments of sustainable development? : Systemic capacity challenges for developing countries / J. Anthony VanDuzer
Ploughing away capacity constraints in global agri-food trade / Mengyi Wang and Ching-Fu Lin
The ACWL's contribution to enhancing legal capacity of developing countries / Jan Bohanes and Christian Vidal-Leon
The TradeLab network of legal clinics : capacity building for a more inclusive globalization / Joost Pauwelyn and Theresa Carpenter
Establishing an international advisory centre on investment disputes / Anna Joubin-Bret
Lessons from capacity building in China / Henry Gao and Gregory Shaffer
India and the World Trade Organization : charting a new model of trade law capacity building / James J. Nedumpara and Amrita Bahri
The participation of Arab countries in the World Trade Organization : using the multilateral trading system in the face of capacity constraints / Said El Hachimi
Trade related capacity building measures in African LDCs and the paradox of the efficiency-effectiveness dichotomy / Tsotetsi Makong and Thokozani Ngwira
In search of a more balanced international economic order : lessons from international investment law / Sergio Puig
Building legal capacity : opportunities, challenges and constraints / Marc L. Busch and Inu Manak