Opening remarks / H. E. Bernardo Sepulveda-Amor
Interaction between diplomatic and judicial means at the initiation of proceedings / Marcelo G. Kohen
At the initiation of a dispute settlement procedure diplomatic means as a trigger of judicial means : the security council and the ICC / Vera Gowlland-Debbas
The impact of arrest warrants issued by international criminal courts on peace negotiations / Paola Gaeta and Lyne Calder
Recourse to the International Court of Justice for the purpose of settling a dispute / Pierre-Marie Dupuy
Diplomatic and judicial means of dispute resolution and how they got along in the Pulp Mills case / Pablo Sandonato de Leon
The relationship between negotiations and third-party dispute settlement at the WTO, with an emphasis on the EC-bananas dispute / Helene Ruiz Fabri
Investment disputes : moving beyond arbitration / Michael E. Schneider
Between saying and doing : the diplomatic means to implement the International Court of Justice's iuris dictum / Laurence Boisson de Chazournes and Antonella Angelini
Implementation of recommendations and rulings in the WTO system / Gabrielle Marceau and Jennifer A. Hamaoui
Monitoring compliance with the decisions of human rights courts : inter-American particularism / Magnus Jesko Langer and Elise Hansbury
The use of alternative (non-judicial) means to enforce investment awards against states / Jorge E. Vinuales and Dolores Bentolila
Interview of Kofi Annan, former Secretary-General of the United Nations / Nicolas Michel
Observations on the relationship between diplomatic and judicial means of dispute settlement / Lucy Reed
Non-disputing state submissions in investment arbitration : resurgence of diplomatic protection? / Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler
Negotiation and adjudication : complementarity and dissonance / Georges Abi-Saab